
Monday, March 4, 2013

A Backyard Update

This post is theoretically about the fact that we put a coat of cement on our back wall, so the backyard is a bit more fixed up.

Of course, while I was taking the photos, my little ones got in on the action. Although this is a good shot of the ipe bench seat we had made:)

So then this post became a montage of adorable baby photos, since she is the one that will happily pose for me.

Although, the backyard, IS looking awesome, and we are using it more now that the weather is getting warmer.

You can tell by the cute little spring dress baby-love is wearing (purchased from Target, in case you need it too!)

Any springtime activities in your neck of the woods?



  1. she really is an adorable baby! and that yard looks like the perfect spot for a spring day

  2. The fence looks good - you could always give it a coat of paint or put up some outdoor art to make it look pretty :)

  3. Love seeing all of that sunshine in your beautiful backyard!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)