
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Growing Up As a Blog

What do I want my blog to be when it grows up?

Sure, this started out as a project while I was (still am) nursing our new baby so I didn't go crazy, but it's grown into more than that for me. Not only does it motivate me to be more organized, but it allows me to create new projects, and the ability to document all the decisions we've made in building our house.  The validation from all of you is just so meaningful to me, I hope I can pass that on to others as well.

Here are my five goals/hopes/dreams for this little darling:

1. I want my blog to be just like me.

A true reflection of me. Some parts wife, some mother, some friend, designer, chef, baker, wanna-be crafter, relaxed party-thrower. I want all the aspets of my life to come together here. A blog isn't just a platform for spreading a message (more on that later) but it's a virtual album of my life.

2. Stand for something.

Something big. Way bigger than me. Being a stay at home mom is so much more than just snacks and sippy cups. Being a mother alone is a huge, life long undertaking. Let's celebrate all that mother's do, support each other, and stand up for the small ones; the little people in our lives, and those whose lives we could help.

3. A lifestyle.

I'm dreaming big here, I know. This little blog only started this year, but I want people to know the name "Stay at Home-ista". We should say it like fashionista or consumerista. "What do you do?" a stranger asks,  "Oh, I'm a stayathomeista". There might even be witty T-shirts and bumper stickers, I'll have to work on that. You can help this along by following, liking, following on twitter and pinterest, and by voting for me at Apartment Therapy.

4. A soft place to land.

There is plenty of controversy you can find on the internet (especially among the mommy blogs), that's not what I want for my blog. I want to be real, presenting life as it is, not an idillic version; I just want to skip the animosity that can arise. Writing this blog brightens my day, makes me smile, and reminds me of what a great time I had (usually with the kids) doing all the projects. I want that for you, my reader. A peek into the happy/rewarding/beautiful parts of stay-at-home life, something that makes you smile.

5. Make some money.

From Google Ads, a media network (Rivit, Social Spark, BlogHer? any ideas are welcome), an amazon store. I do truly love the items that we have in the house, I hope I can share that authentically with people and hopefully help them find a new tool to make life at home easier.

I have the incredible honor of co-hosting a party tomorrow so we can all share what our dreams are for our blogs. Come check it out.

I link to these awesome parties:
Sunday: I Heart NaptimeNifty Thrifty ThingsInspired HoneybeeNest for LessMonday:Between Naps on the PorchSumo's Sweet StuffThrifty Decor ChickAlderberry HillDebbie Doo'sHome Stories A to ZHome Savvy AtoZ  Tuesday:Coastal CharmTip JunkieMy Uncommon Slice of SuburbiaCarolyn's HomeworkMade in a DayOur Delightful HomeA Bowl Full of LemonsGet Your Craft OnKurtz Corner Wednesday: Savvy Southern StyleMommy SolutionsPower of PaintNewlyweds Recipe LinkyIt's OverflowingSouthern Lovely Thursday: The Shabby Creek CottageMade in a DayHouse of Hepworthsthe 36th Avenue , Bloggeritaville Friday: Serenity NowTatertots and JelloThe Shabby NestThirty Handmade DaysAddicted 2 DecoratingFunky Junk InteriorsFinancial FridayFurniture FridayAt the Picket FenceThe Rooster and the Hen


  1. I think you are doing an awesome of job of growing your blog. I am amazed at how often you are able to post... especially while still nursing. It's all I can do to write two post a week. But I enjoy it!

  2. Great goals! I like that - stayathomeista! I'll buy a t-shirt for sure! ;)

  3. Never forget.....
    "The most important work you will ever do,
    will be within the walls of your own home".

    Being a mom IS the most important job.


  4. i am so with you on the first few! for sure! i can't wait to see how this blog grows up! :)

  5. Great post!! I would buy one of those stayathomeista shirts - well for my sister who stays at home with her kids! great idea.

  6. yep....i started my blog as a way of letting my adult children know what was happening in our house...who would have thought i would be letting the world know!!

  7. By the way, I love your blog. I think the gorgeous photography of your inspiring house really draws people in. But I love that you are a kind, likable person too. It's got the visual of a magazine with the warm, nurturing feel of a "real" person.

  8. Excellent goals! Well written and well-said! Our tribe is just awesome and awesomely authentic bloggers ...



  9. Great post! and all great goals :-) Love these.

  10. These goals are so great! I can relate to them all...well, not the mommy specific parts, but that I want my blog to reflect all different aspects of me...and see it somehow being an avenue to something much bigger. We will see. :)
    Have a great weekend!

  11. A soft place to land for sure! Life is stressful enough as it is. Who wants to find conflict when we log on? Not me!

  12. I may have to switch carrers , I used to be a domestic enginer , but I'm thinking "Stayathomeista" sounds way more exciting!

  13. You are definitely in great company with your fellow "link party-istas"...I love reading everyone's hopes and dreams and messages of encouragement...

  14. You go girl - I'll be the first one ordering that Stayathome-ista t-shirt! Let's fill our sippy cups with wine and blog the hell out of this place!
    So glad you're in my tribe!

  15. Thank you for co-hosting this wonderful blog hop. I am totally enjoying reading everyone's "growing up" posts. I'm a new follower.

  16. great thought out post! your newest bloggy fan from the hop

  17. Jessica, you are brilliant! I love that you want to be a "soft place to land" -- the world (and blogosphere) could use a lot more of those!! So thrilled to have found you and look forward to following your progress and joining you on the journey. :)
    Be blessed!
    Heidi @ Decor & More


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)