
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sanitary Sanity Saver

The S.S.S.

It's a bit like the new S.O.S.

Or not. I'm still working on what to call this awesome package that I got in the mail. Here's what I got:

  • 1 tub of Cottonelle Flushable moist wipes
  • 1 pack of Cottonelle Ultra Care toilet paper
  • 1 travel pack of moist wipes
  • 1 solo pack of moist wipes
  • 1 pack of Name It post-it notes

  • And here's why I was so excited, we were just about to get on an airplane for a vacation/out of town wedding, *with* all three kiddos. Remember my tips for airplane travel with children? Yep, well, those only work so well, and usually we have at least one diaper blowout per flight and 90% of the time someone (never my husband) gets airsick. So believe me, when a package of perfectly sized travel clean up items, or the Clean Care kit from Cottonelle, arrived, I was more than ready to try it out.

    I'm also a big fan of this for the potty-training set. Since I keep our powder room stocked with a changing pad, diapers, potty seats, and steps stools, I'm clearly happy to keep those parts of all of us as clean as can be:)

    So, if it isn't a Sanitary Sanity Saver, what should this be called? Do you have any ideas?

    You can enter the giveaway below (Official Rules here) to win a package of your very own:)

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Thank you again to Cottonelle for sponsoring my post. Visit them on Facebook to share your name! I was selected for participation in this program by the Clever Girls Collective.


    1. Brawn has never got sick on a plane either. Came close once when the lady next to him threw up....... on him.


    2. Her Handy Helpers! I don't have little ones at home anymore but could still use a kit like this. I enjoy reading your blog and have nominated you for the Versitile Blogger Award. You can get all of the info on my blog. Congratulations!


    Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)