
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Jack-O-Lantern Mickey Mouse Family

Jack-O-Lantern Mickey Mouse Family

Sometimes I'm the one in charge of entertaining our kindergartener on the weekend afternoons when the two little ones are napping and my husband is out for a bike ride. Instead of throwing on the TV, which I am tempted to do more and more, I just pull out the crafting supplies and we make fun, silly things together.


Since Halloween is right around the corner, we decided to make a "family portrait" out of Mickey Mouse faces.

At the time (last weekend) that's what we were going to dress up as. Of course, that has changed 4 days later...

I used my Silhouette Cameo to cut out a family of Mickey heads from card stock, although you could totally do this with scissors:)

Mickey Mouse silhouettes on canvas

Using some of the Mod Podge, I brushed a canvas we had lying around, then let my daughter put the faces on.

More Mod Podge on top.

Using Mod Podge on a canvas

Then we added the pink bows for the girls.

I tried to decide if we should put full-on pumpkins on top,

pumpkin faces


jack-o-lantern smile

And the jack-o-lantern faces.

Halloween Mickey Mouse crafting

One of the important things about crafting with kids is to just let them do it, not try to be too much of a perfectionist, otherwise it takes all the joy away (from them, not from you).


Then I popped it up on our kitchen mantle, just waiting to have a few more kid crafts added to it this season.

Halloween Mickey Mouse Craft


Thanks for stopping by! I love to keep in touch. 


I link to these awesome parties:


  1. cute idea Jess! I need to get some crafts done with my littles.

  2. Aww so cute, with the little pink bows!

  3. What a neat idea! I bet they loved them.

  4. What a neat idea! I bet they loved them.

  5. My daughter was born quite close to Halloween so I was randomly searching for halloween mickey mouse, when I stumbled upon your site. Cute idea! I'm sharing it with other moms at Afiimity.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)