
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Easy Halloween Kid Craft- Glitter Glue Pumpkins

Continuing with my 31 Days of Fun series, we did this super-duper, easy-peasy project that my kids loved.

Easy Halloween Craft for Kids- glitter glue pumpkins

Seriously, it's so easy it's embarrassing.

Start with a piece of wax paper and then start drawing with glitter glue.


OK, a bit more. If you use glitter glue (always a favorite in our house), you are done. If you use Elmer's or regular glue, dust it with glitter. Yuck, that already sounds messy, but it's your house not mine, so glitter dust away my friend.

My daughter kept wanting a butterfly. That girl has a one themed mind:)

Anyway, once the glue dries, you can peel your creations off the wax paper and decorate with them.

Glitter Glue pumpkin and spider

This is a part of my 31 Days of Free Fun series, click on the image below to get to the entire list of free activities!


Thanks for stopping by! I love to keep in touch. 


I link to these awesome parties:


  1. I am so stealing this idea for daycare!!!! Great Idea!!!

  2. Fun idea! If only I could trust my little one not to take the glitter glue to the next level and decorate our whole house. Maybe when she's a tad bit bigger-- until then, I'm filing this away!

  3. i luv it! i cant wait to see if my guy wants to do these this weekend!

  4. Love this! There aren't many crafts that are great for weston's age, but I think he'd love this one!


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