
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Playing Fireman to Protect the House

Because you never know when your little firefighter will actually need to get out of the house in case of an emergency.

We've been talking a lot about fire drills and where we would go to be safe if there was a fire in our house. Thankfully they practice drills at school, so the whole concept wasn't so scary, we just talked out how to leave the house and to get to the street (ideally) or the back yard, not just another floor of the house.


Thankfully, we have insurance, which is super important for anyone with a house. In fact, when we met, my husband and I were the only two people we knew who had renter's insurance. Just two safety-conscious architecture students:)

The most important thing is obviously the people, and then the "things". Actually, as Suze Orman says, "people first, then money, then things". So we spend a bit of money to protect the things by having insurance.  If you are one of my British readers, you can find out more about buildings and contents insurance from Priviledge. I am working in association with them for this post so that we can be more aware of protecting the houses and things in our lives.


  1. The kids are learning all about fire prevention at school right now. We always use this time of the year to review are procedures. Thanks for sharing this information. It's life saving.

  2. We have renters insurance too and people are always like, "what"????

  3. In the UK it is a legal requirement to have builders insurance when you buy a house. I always had insurance when I rented. In fact I have loads of insurances lol. Buildings&contents life insurance car insurance and my new job offers health insurance (don't forget we have the NHS over here). I even have travel insurance as part of the bank account. Ha ha playing it safe over here!

  4. my biggest fear and a recurring nightmare from time to time is driving down the driveway and my house on fire.

  5. I remember when I was a kid we had to practice getting out of the house for homework every year. We always enjoyed that though because we were on the first floor and just climbed out the window onto the front porch.


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