
Monday, January 21, 2013

Home Goals for 2013

All the other bloggers are doing it, so here goes, my goals for 2013. At least as they relate to my house. You can find my personal goals for 2013 here.

  • Actually take a picture of my husband's finished office. This will NOT require him to clean off his desk, or for me to falsely "style" it. I just want to get it documented and checked off.
  • Resolve the overabundance of branches we have going on in the entry.
  • Finish our mudroom.
  • Clean up our entry stairs, which includes programming the exterior lights, which I've been ignoring for well over a year. Dark stairs = very bad hostess.

Yep, that seems like it. Since in 2012 I freshened up our master bedroom, created a baby nursery, swapped out my son's crib for a construction themed big boy bedroom, make a butterfly bedroom with collage wall for my daughter, totally redid the guest room, bought 3 new rugs (oy!) for our dining room, new chairs and art, and finished the living room. Oh and re-arranged the entry to make room for a new-old piano.

In blog-related, but not house-related goals, I would like to/have to throw the following parties. (rough life, I know:)

  • Superbowl Party
  • Valentine's Day party/play date (this one is already off the table)
  • My 33rd birthday (maybe a party?)
  • 4 year old Fireman themed birthday (unless he changes his mind)
  • Be away for 4th of July, so avoid a party...
  • 6 year old Princess party (she's totally up in the air on this one)
  • Back-to-School Party (in my head this is a good idea)
  • My husband's 34th birthday.
  • A million-bajillion Jewish holidays. Seriously, that's how the fall feels to me.
  • Attend a Halloween party, thanks Rebecca!
  • 2 year old birthday party with theme determined by the older siblings.
  • Thanksgiving. At our house.
  • Hanukkah, at least 1 "party" involved here.
  • Somewhere in here host another black-tie holiday party, possibly wear my wedding dress, or just dress up, not sure yet.

Well, now that I typed it out, 12 parties sounds like a lot, but with kids who go to bed so early (6pm, 6:30 at the latest), I'd rather be at my own house that ducking out of someone else's party before dinner is even served:)



  1. For years, my aunt threw a back-to-school party for all my cousins and me (8 kids in all) that we looked forward to every year! We would play games and the prizes would be school supplies. She also made us sign a "contract" that we would do our very best in school that year! It was a blast.

    Good luck with all your goals! I have a few of my own but haven't posted them yet for fear of jinxing myself. lol I think I've FINALLY convinced my husband that the carpet in the basement needs to be replaced with heated tiles. It only took me 5 years to accomplish that one. ha

  2. Holy cow, that's a lot of parties! At least this year you can combine Thanksgiving and Hanukkah ;)

  3. That's a LOT of parties! But I'm with you - I'd much rather put the kids to bed and stay up as late as I want hosting at my place!

  4. Well if I get to SF this year I won't ask you for a party.


  5. There are going to be some serious parties in your home this year! I cant wait to see your creativity come to life, you sure know how to throw a fabulous party :)

  6. Hey! My kids go to bed early also. I always feel like I have to defend myself but honestly, I think it's great. On the nights my better half is home we spend time together (like grownups) and when he's gone it's the only thing that keeps me sane. Plus my kids are well rested, seems like a win win!

  7. Agreed. I'd much rather have the party here...

    I need to get on my to-do lists as at the "estate" they are known as, wait for it:

    energy vampires...

    Hope you are having a lovely new year,

  8. Looks like 2013 is shaping up to be the year to party for you!

    :) Linda


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)