
Monday, February 18, 2013

Snow Fun- Chilling Champagne in the Snow

Since it is President's Day, what should traditionally be the beginning of ski week, I wanted to belatedly share our ski and snow pics from the winter break.

Warning, lots of family pics coming!

But I did think up a brilliant idea for chilling champagne...

chill bottles of champagne in the snow

Use the snow.

chill bottles of champagne in the snow

And now the family slideshow begins...

Inside, building a fort...

Hubby and baby:)

Baby with Baba (grandpa).


Thanks for stopping by! 
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I link to these awesome parties:


  1. i am laughing because it has been so cold here that we have left our beer and white wines outside all winter!!!!

  2. Often times that chilling the champagne (okay, more like beer and wine) backfires here in Chicago! It's gets a bit icy, if you know what I mean!

    Beautiful family, Jessica!

    :) Linda


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)