
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Taking Care of the Sick- Bringing Food to a Friend

Unfortunatly we have a friend with a 3 year old who is in the hospital for his second surgery this week. After the last surgery we brought over a little basket of cheer (and food) to make this awful process a tiny bit easier.

We involved out kids, since the idea of taking care of the sick is an incredibly important value for us. We let them each have a say in the food and gifts we brought, and my 5 year old even made a special box of "fun" for our friend to use in the hospital.

Taking care of the sick

What to bring a sick kid in the hospital?

We wrapped a gift. It's a collection of craft projects that are really easy to do, hopefully form a hospital bed in the 7-10 day recovery. Similar to the Alex Toys My Giant Busy Box. Don't ask why I took a picture of my hand with a pop-up tape dispenser on it. Just imagine I was in the process of wrapping:)

gift for a kid in the hospital

Then we packed a cooler basket of food. What food do you bring to a sick friend? Yummy snacks, fruit, string cheese and applesauce, the basic kid foods that they might need. Plus we brought lunch over that day, kid-freindly and a slightly more grown up version as well.

food basket to bring a sick friend

All wrapped up and ready to go. The second present is for his sister, since you can't only pay attention to one sibling in the family, even if he is the one having surgery.

what to bring to a sick friend

Just send a little extra web-love to our friends, and pray for a full and speedy recovery. Thank you.


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  1. Very sweet. I have found myself having to do this frequently, only it isn't's my friends. We old folks spend a lot of time recuperating from one thing or another.

  2. you are such a thoughtful friend with a big heart!

  3. What a great idea. And to get the littles involved. Hope your friend is on the mend!

  4. What a sweet, thoughtful gift, and so smart to get the kiddos involved!

  5. How very sweet! Hope everyone is back home soon!

  6. That is so sweet I love how you got your kids involved. My bestie has been very sick lately and I made a care package for her on the weekend too, with lots of magazines nailpolish and chocolate that kind of thing. Maybe Ill do a post about it too :)

  7. I love that you got the kiddos involved with this! Great idea..super duper sweet- and yes- sending well wishes over!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)