
Friday, April 12, 2013

The secret to fluffy matzoh balls

Ok, now that Passover is over, I can share my secret (really my mother in law's secret) to fluffy matzoh balls in your soup.

The secret to fluffy matzoh balls, perfect for passover seders!


Are you sure?

Because this is seriously life changing. You will never have hard-as-a-puck matzoh balls again.

OK, here goes.

After you make the batter, and chill it in the fridge.... Wait, you knew to chill it, right?

Chill it for 15 minutes to overnight.

OK, so once it's chilled and you drop the balls into water...... Yes, water, don't cook them in the broth, or they will soak up everything!

So, after they have cooked, about 10 minutes, you take them out and COOL THEM OFF IN A MUFFIN PAN.

The secret to fluffy matzoh balls, cooling them off in a muffin pan!

Genius, right?

I have no idea why this works. Maybe it's the cooling off individually, maybe the muffin pan creates perfect matzoh ball resting spots, who knows? But after lengthy experimentation, this is guaranteed to give you fluffy matzoh balls.

If you want to eat right away, just pop them into the soup/broth. If not, you can freeze them. Just lay them out on wax paper on a baking sheet, freeze, then transfer them to ziploc baggies once frozen.

Oh, and here we are (minus the baby), just before our first night seder:)

Any other secrets that work for your family?



  1. I have a confession to make - I have no idea what a matzoh ball is I thought you were talking about something you put in your washing machine! We'll just call it an International language breakdown I think ... havent heard anyone make those here in Australia!
    My Mum has a heap of secrets for using her Weber BBQ she always makes the best meat and veggies in there and knows all the tips and tricks for them to turn out perfect everytime :)

  2. What a great family (mostly) shot! You're very blessed.

  3. Sometimes it really is the most simple thing that makes a huge difference. Pinning!

    (And I totally thought you had decided to keep the baby) ;)

  4. My family's not-so-secret ingredient is to use seltzer instead of water - it keeps the matzah balls really fluffy. Definitely going to have to give this trick a try also!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)