
Thursday, October 30, 2014

What to do with leftover half and half #tbt

Every Friday my dad picks up my preschooler and takes her to the park for lunch and playing. I know, I'm super lucky. Believe me, you do't even want to hear about what the other 3 local grand parents do, they are all amazing:) Anyhoo, my dad brings half and half for my daughter to drink (just go with it), and we often have some left over in our fridge.

Recently, as the weather has been turned a bit cooler, and I'm nursing the baby only during the day (he sleeps at night), I've revisited one of my favorite cocktails, the Brandy Alexander. I first discovered it at the Bar at La Terrasse, a great restaurant in West Philly, when I was in college, and Ive brought it back as a special occasion drink. It fills both the dessert and drink categories, so take that into account when planning when to have it!

After getting back to my wedding weight (I posted about it yesterday), I certainly only have this as a special occasion drink. And as a mom, that usually means a day when the preschooler refused to wear a costume to the Halloween party, the baby is snotty, the kindergartener left his library book at home, and the second grader had really hard questions about life that she only thought of 5 minutes *after* bedtime:)

Find my original post and recipe for a Brandy Alexander cocktail here.

recipe for a brandy alexander cocktail

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