
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Baby Portraits and Prenatal Vitamins

Nope, not pregnant.

Don't let the title fool you.

You might think the two are a unrelated but I have some pretty strong beliefs about prenatal vitamins.

First off, they clearly create beautiful children.

Obviously, since I take them and that is my adorable child:)

I started taking them when we decided to have our first daughter and I've just kept right on taking them, all the way through. With our third at 9 months, she's still nursing, so I know that what I put in my body still matters (not like it doesn't always matter, but it still matters for her)!

Even though our first had her baby portrait taken at a studio with out wedding photographer, and our second had his taken in the mall, I feel like this is a step up for our third. I took these pictures one day when she woke up super happy from her nap. Just popped her right into a fancy dress, plopped her in front of our new velvet curtains in our master bedroom, and started shooting.

Much less money, and still some great shots!

Those ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes, I think a wee bit of all that baby perfection is due to the prenatals I took while pregnant.

I was almost out of vitamins when I received an adorable box in the mail from BrainStrong Prenatal.

I mean, seriously, who sends things like this? The crinkly paper was so adorable, plus the handwritten note?

My husband actually thought it was a 9 months late baby gift!

I love how the vitamin and DHA supplement are packaged together, so I don't have to remember two separate bottles. THe DHA supplement is the fish oil that makes babies stronger and healthier and smarter and better looking and have better eyesight. OK, so I'm not swearing to the better looking part:)

Here is what it would look like on the shelves (rather than as a "present" in the mail).

When the babies are growing, 70% of their energy is devoted to brain development. And only you can supply everything they need, including the DHA that is so critical for their little brains. My OB urged me to take a DHA supplement (as most do), and BrainStrong Prenatal offers an easy, safe, effective way of delivering all the "regular" prenatal vitamins as well as up to 75% more DHA than other over-the-counter prenatals.

Do you still take prenatal vitamins while nursing?


Thanks for stopping by! 
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I was compensated for writing this post. All opinions are my own, and the adorable baby is mine too:)


  1. What a cute baby! If you ever want to link up your reviews, I host Favorite Product Fridays. A hop just for product reviews.

    Stopping by from Thee Networking Blog Hop. Love for you to stop by and return the follow. Hosting Mom's Monday Mingle tonight and all day tomorrow. Love to have you!

  2. That would be totally my style of photo shoot! She's a beauty!

  3. Wow, great post! Tell them to give me a holla :). I wrote this post about prenatal vitamins. I just take cheapie ones from walmart but I wonder if something like you wrote about would be better?

    Yeah, I guess being pregnant and/or nursing for 10 years straight is a little draining! :)

  4. love the pictures.. i take prenatal vitamins as well even though i am not pregnant because i think mys well start the habit...

  5. I am still taking the prenatals. Not BF anymore, just because. I don't take the DHA supplement though. I like how its packaged together. Awesome!
    Also, this is an adorable post!

  6. Still rockin' the prenatals here, and my nails look amazing right now. :) Your baby girl is just beautiful!!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)