
Monday, August 27, 2012

Guest Room Reveal (Bloggers Without Borders)

Here it is, my *finished* guest room.

Yes, I had big plans for this room.

First you would be greeted by a lovely homemade art project.

                      starfish in frames


We used scrapbook paper as a mat, then glued starfish and favorite rocks on top.

Then the bedding would go from blah-blah-brown to wham-bam-pow pink, blue and green.


The wall behind the bed would get a fun confetti polka dot treatment.

Confetti Polka Dot wall treatment with vinyl decals


The closet doors would have a cute dress form decal on them.




In my fantasy, I made curtains, learned how to table-scape, had a guest bathroom stocked full of essential items...


Um... No check?

Instead, I spent a lovely summer with my kids, and just freshened up a bit.

The bathroom did get a new runner and a starfish accent. 


See how it was a bit bland before?


Plus I still have a few more weeks until our next house guest!

Please stop by and visit these lovely ladies who also stepped outside of their comfort zones, drank some wine, and changed things up in their own homes.

Any *almost* finished projects happening in your house?


Thanks for stopping by! 
Please feel free to follow me with all those nifty buttons in the sidebar:)

I link to these awesome parties:


  1. I really like the white frames against the dark wall. Such a welcoming room your guests won't want to leave!

  2. Jessica, I may have missed the post when you described the guest room paint color, but can you give me that color? I love that gray! Thanks.

  3. How fabulous! Anybody would love to stay in that room! Awesome job!

  4. love the artwork with the starfish. such a cute idea!

  5. it's such a happy and welcoming space! your guests will love it.... they may not want to leave....

  6. Yea, another almost finished project! I am so encouraged by the real story. And all the updates look so great that I'm sure no one will notice the things that are still waiting to be done. Fun use of color!

  7. Umm... gorgeous! What a fun (but relaxing) spot for your guests.

  8. This will definitely be a nice retreat for your guests!

  9. I LOVE the bedding. Like. Lots!!

    ...and that bathroom is dreamy. You know I am a sucker for marble. And you do it so well :)

  10. My fav part is the polka dots!


  11. Gorgeous and soooo happy!! Love a cheerful space and you rocked it, Jessica!
    Congrats on a great makeover!
    xo Heidi

  12. i consider every room in our house almost finished. lol

  13. I love a happy, perky guest room like this. You are such a pro for actually having a real reveal. :)

  14. Great wall color and wonderful colors in this fun room! I just love that you have some great touches and details that show your fun style!

  15. Looks like you rocked it to me! If anyone notices those short curtains, they shouldn't be invited back!

    Love the white mirror and the fun decals and those cute dipped feet!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)