
Monday, January 28, 2013

Knockoff LaraBar Success!

I finally did it, I made a version of our favorite snack food.

knockoff larabars at home

I have tried, and failed before, so I was not optimistic when I set out last week.


I did the same thing as before, chopping up slivered almonds, dates and a few pieces of chocolate in the food processor.

knockoff larabars at home

Then I added a smidge of honey and some water. This is where it gets not-so-fabulous to look at.

knockoff larabars at home

I realized I might have more success making mini-muffins rather than bars, so I scooped my mix into a mini muffin pan and popped it in the oven at 300 for 10 minutes to let it bake/dry out.

knockoff larabars at home as mini muffins

Success! Delicious, easy, and a nice small size for packing in my daughter's no waste lunches.

knockoff larabars at home


I link to these awesome parties:


  1. I love larabars! Pinning this recipe!

  2. thank you! My 11 year old daughter is vegan (by her choice) and Lara bars are one of her favorite store bought items, and they are so expensive!

  3. Way to go, Jessica! They look yummy!

  4. I've actually never had a Lara bar before. I saw them on super sale at the grocery store the other day, but didn't get them because I wasn't sure what they tasted like.

  5. These look delicious. Can't wait to try them!


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