
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Superbowl Party pics- it's never too late

The Superbowl? When was that, a hundred days ago? 

superbowl party menu

I know, but if part of my goal in having this blog is to use it in lieu of a scrapbook, then I better remember to write about our parties. Pay no attention to the fact that we just had a St Patrick's day party with an insane amount of corned beef, and I took *no* pictures. Total blogger fail, but I was a very relaxed hostess. Ahh, sometimes it's tough tp balance real life and blog life:)

Back to the Superbowl. 

I made 150 various types of hot dogs and we had 4 left over, so I think that was a great success. I followed my Superbowl meal plan pretty closely, and even added my green bean, fennel and grapefruit salad at the suggestion of my friend Jessica, who thought I needed more green things:)

green bean grapefruit and fennel salad

The Margarita Cake was phenomenal  and 2 different friends brought cookies to supplement the dessert side of the table.

Margarita Cake

Huge success all around, and I'm going to do it again next year. 

Of course, we were sad with the final game result, but at least it was fun:)



  1. The food looks great! Your house is perfect for a superbowl (or any) party - you've got sooo much room! :-) I, too was sad at the final outcome--but there's always next year!

  2. That is too many vomit dogs, way too many. Of course I'm in the minority on that issue. Dang kids.

  3. What a spread! Can I come to your next Superbowl party?


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)