
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Stitch Fix Review

Since we were in the "country" this summer at the vacation house, and I was quickly getting to small for my clothes (not out-growing, but the opposite, what is that? de-growing?), I decided to fully embrace anything that could arrive via USPS, UPS or FedEx (see my honest review of Blue Apron here).

Other than an almost-breakdown over missing the Nordstrom Anniversary sale (solved with online shopping, and returning 2/3 of what I ordered, kids shoes are tricky!), I stuck mostly to Amazon Prime. Until I was blog surfing one day while the baby napped and I discovered Stitch Fix.

My first stitch fix #stitchfix

Plenty of other bloggers have described this way better than I can, but here's the gist of it:

  • You go online and fill out a style profile. You include your size, things you like and love, links to your Pinterest clothing board, even a special note.

  • You pay a $20 refundable styling fee. If you buy anything at all, they refund you this fee.

  • Your stylist (mine is Christina and I love her), choses 5 items and sends them to you in a box, all pretty and packaged, and it arrives on a day that you have chosen.

  • You try on everything in the box, keep what you like, return (in an enclosed postage paid bag) anything that you don't love, then you "checkout" online.

  • The checkout process includes giving tons of feedback about what you loved, what didn't work, and most importably, *why* you like things (or don't).

My first Stitch Fix gave me these awesome green jeans, this Splendid top, and another tank that I kept. 2 pieces I sent back.

My first stitch fix #stitchfix

My second box arrived in September, just in time for the Jewish High Holidays, and I kept all 5 items! Oh, if you keep all 5, then they give you a 25% discount on everything.

Here's the step-by-step. 

The box arrives, and I get all excited and tingly, and race upstairs to my bedroom to have a fashion show for the baby.

It's like an early Christmas with Stitch Fix

Everything is packaged nicely.

Stitch Fix packaging

Inside, there is a printout with each piece, and 2 styling ideas for how to wear them.

clothes that come to you! Why I love Stitch Fix

These were the 5 items that I kept.  From left to right: a cropped sweater, a lace top, hot pink blouse, pony-print dress, and a skirt.

clothes that come to you! Why I love Stitch Fix

Me in the blouse and a skirt I already own from Boden.

Stitch Fix

The pony-print dress.

pony-print dress from Stitch Fix

I just got my third box last week, and kept 3 of the 5, still a success. I know that "normal" people go to stores to shop, but I'm more than happy to have someone else chose items for me and then to have them magically arrive at my house!

If you want to try Stitch Fix, and you click on the links here, I'll get a small referral fee. I already got a few just by posting on Facebook, which was a total happy surprise, and just shows that non-blog people can take advantage of their friend networks too:)

Happy Shopping!


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