Friday, August 30, 2013

N-1 Children = Easy

It's a simple formula, really. No matter how many children you have, if you take away 1, it gets WAY easier.

We have 3 kids, the two older boys are my nephews who visited a while back:)


Son stays home sick, I take 2 girls to Safeway: Magically I can grocery shop with darling princess practically dancing in the aisles.

Big sister is at school: Now I'm in happy stay-at-home-mommy land with my baby and preschooler, doing educational crafts, playing with dolls, baking from scratch...

Baby is at a grandparents for a sleepover: We are a functional family! Look how easy and normal it is with two kids? We can even do things like go to Disneyland (tips here), or stay out all day, because no one naps!

Then if you take away 2.. watch out! It's a party!

Recently we took our 6 year old daughter out for a fancy dinner. White tablecloths, amuse bouche, everything. She totally rocked it, sitting in her chair for 2+ hours, not complaining, joining in adult conversation etc. I can't even explain how different this is than our normal 5-10 minutes of shoving in food while cleaning up spills and reminding kids to stay seated already!

Clearly, as my Hogwarts sorting hat post points out, when the two big ones are gone, the baby takes over and we feel freedom like never before. 1 baby who naps? Time to talk to each other? Amazing.

Plus, when it's just our 4 year old son, we dream of taking him on vacation all alone. Unlike the other two (ahem) he is an amazing traveler, making plane travel with kids seem easy. Don't worry, my tips include ideas about what to do for other kids (ahem, talking to my two girls here).

Obviously when all 3 are gone, we are on a real vacation, like our recent trip to Israel. But that's just pretending we don't have kids and trying to come up with non-kid-or-house related things to talk about for 2 weeks:)

So those are my thoughts, this Family Friday*.


*Good name right? Thinking it might make it easier for me if I "theme" my post days. Thoughts? Good to know, or super cheesy and annoying? Pin It


Ana. said...

Awesome idea to have your posts organized by theme days!
Looking forawrd for the next ones!

Krystle @ Color Transformed Family said...

ML and I went on a date the other night and it was so nice that both of us got to eat our entire meal together. Definitely a rare occasion around here.

Karah @ thespacebetweenblog said...

please don't try to confuse me with formulas in your titles ... but I guess if you're going to have theme days that simplifies it. :) when I started I thought I'd have theme days, but soon realized I couldn't handle the pressure. hahah

Kirby Carespodi said...

...which is pretty much why we stopped at 2.

Bonita H said...

I only have one child. When I am at college, I feel like it's so hard to talk about something other than him!

Lori said...

Oh my, this is SO true! I just had my 3rd child and even though my oldest is 8 and is a super help, it's SO much easier with just two of them (in any combination)!

Kelly said...

haha! This is SO true. WHY didn't I appreciate this when I only had one kid? :)

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