My son has a pretty clear love for machines. And the color orange. His
new bedding goes with this, his
nightstand, his clothes, pretty much everything. So when it came time to plan his birthday party, the theme was a no-brainer. He was pretty excited to see everything all laid out!
I set up an adjustable height folding table with empty paint cans (I have some plans for those later), construction machine toys, and a row of
construction hard hats for a party
with the children's names already on them.
During the party children would wander over and decorate their hats with an assortment of stickers that I had laid out.
The pails to collect pinata cookies were there, as were the favors, which you might remember from my
party inspiration post.
I set out a few construction-related puzzles and some
for children to play with. These are
my all time favorite toy, but their factory was flooded so they were super-duper expensive for a while. Who knew there was a black market for toys? Thankfully they are back to "normal" now.
As with every good party, food and drinks are key elements. So I laid out a buffet on our kitchen island.
Always lay out your platters ahead of time so that you know that it all fits and where things will go. otherwise you'll end up forgetting something and the next day you'll have to find an use for two giant jugs of salsa, just saying...
The penant birthday banner on the hood is from Pottery Barn Kids, and is from my mom. We also have a "girl" one to use for my daughter's birthday.
I served cheese quesadillas, chips, salsa, homemade guacamole, berries, lemonade sippers, and apple slices with peanut butter. Oh and champagne for the grown ups, because that's my kind of party.
I had to put the cake in the fridge to keep it from melting, it was h-o-t that day!
Blowing out the candle.
Our friends all digging in to the cake.
That's me. I'm nursing the baby under a cover while standing in the kitchen overseeing things. Pretty sure I never did that with the other two, this third baby (who then slept through the rest of the party) is giving me really efficient mommy-skills.
As an aside- what did we do before using a
nursing cover
? Seriously, I think blankets would just fall right off me.
Over the next couple weeks I'll go into more detail about some parts of the party:
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