Tuesday, December 3, 2013

2 BIG Announcements

#1- I'm pregnant.

Not the biggest of surprises, since that's the usual "big announcement" you see in the mommy blogger world:)

I'm due mid-April, and as per the last 3, I'm a miserable, sick, nauseous wreck. Just to add to the fun, this time looking at a screen of any kind (TV, computer, phone) makes me extra sick. So I hope this explains the blogging absence as well as the proliferation of pregnancy posts to come.

But, if preggo posts aren't for you, Announcement #2 should help...

We are building a vacation house!

Vacation house by Brick LLP Architects
courtesy of Brick LLP

That's the amazing rendering of the whole thing, we are only building the right third now, which will be the future-guest-house, once we make enough money to build the rest of it. With 3 kids, I drew up a plan on graph paper, handed it to our friend Rob Zirkle, an architect, and said, "make this a modern glass box in the woods". I also referenced my Modern Vacation House pinterest board a lot:)

Well, technically, we already built it, and it finishes next week. I'm not a follow-along-in-real-time type of person, mostly because if I learned anything from the construction of our main house, it's that things happen, cost more, take longer, and I have no desire to broadcast them:)

This time around, I had planned to blog about it all fall, but then, see announcement #1, and my aversion to screens.

The good news, is that the final images should be up in January/February, so I'll be mixing in vacation house posts with my other usual fare. The short story, soon to be elaborated, is that we got a little antsy after this house was "done", saw some raw land in ski country that we loved, got a crazy-good deal, designed the house and got it approved in 4 months last winter, and built it in the last 6 months (since May).

Hopefully, now that all that news is out, I can pull off more posts!


ps- the screen aversion also means I haven't been reading other blogs, so if you had any big announcements in the last 4 months, please let me know:)

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Anonymous said...

Wow! Congrats!!

Kelly said...

Congratulations! Hope you're starting to feel better now. DYING to see more on this vacation house!

Kristy said...

Congrats!!! Definitely got your hands full now!! :)

Elke Barter said...

Oh my goodness, that was fast (for me). The rendering is amazing! So so happy for you all, on both fronts!

Sandie said...

Congratulations! Both of your Big Announcements are wonderful! Looking forward to reading more about both of your 'babies'.

Kirby Carespodi said...

Yay for all of the above!

Karah @ thespacebetweenblog said...

Congrats congrats!! Love the rendering, can't wait to see more!!

Shannon Fox said...

Well holy heck girl. So you're adding on, and adding on :) Congrats on the new baby and... well, I guess the other new baby. Hope the delivery is a breeze!! Happy Holidays.

Unknown said...

Yay! Congrats! That is wonderful! I'll be praying that your morning sickness ends quickly!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats friend!

And that is about like my dream house! I'll come visit and you can dictate to me while I type your posts :-)

Cassie Bustamante said...

congrats and YAY! so exciting on both!

Unknown said...

congrats! that is all wonderful news! can't wait to hear more about that baby! Ugh, now I have baby fever even though I have a 4 month old. LOL

acasarella said...

Yay! Congratulations on both counts. I'd been wondering where you were. Oh, and if you ever need someone to watch your newborn, I'm happy to come to the vacation house and help you out ;)

Victoria said...

Mazel Tov! I was wondering if everything was OK with you.

The Bold Abode said...

You go girl! I remember your telling me about the house at haven! So glad it's coming together. And I hope you feel better. Prego sickness is the worst!

Bliss said...

I'm pregnant too!!! Not really. But I know where you can get the best Doula in the Bay area! And while you are recuperating, I should probably house sit for you in the mountains don't 'ya think?

Simply LKJ said...

Congrats! And, whoa...that place is amazing!!

Ashley@AttemptsAtDomestication said...

Ahhh! Congratulations! That is such exciting news on both accounts! :)

Looking forward to those vacation house pictures!

Tara {The Silver Lining} said...

Congratulations!! So excited for your family and the new little one to come. Hope you start feeling better. Also, looking forward to seeing post about this amazing new vacation home!

Chelsea @ two twenty one said...

Congrats! So excited for you all! Can't wait to see more photos of the vacation house!

Lori said...

Congratulations on these two exciting announcements! Hope you continue to feel good!

Heidi Rew said...

Congratulations Jessica!!! So excited for all the fun changes...minus the sickness. :-)

Krystle @ Color Transformed Family said...

Congratulations! Sounds like y'all have a lot of fun things going on. I haven't been reading many blogs lately so I am glad I caught this post

Carrie said...

Congrats and can't wait to see the new house.

Thuy said...

Congratulations Jessica!! We've come a long ways from Mom's group and I'm so glad I get to follow you on the blog. Your house is beautiful and I'm excited to hear more about the motherhood juggles and decorating your new home. Many Congrats!


Kristen [Playground Prepster] said...

Congrats!!! I know exactly what you mean about screen aversion! I've never had it before, but this pregnancy I even found myself looking at my phone with one eye closed. Can't wait to hear more about the little one.

And congrats on the new vacation home! It is beautiful!

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